
Сообщения за май, 2023

How to avoid the negative effects of video games on children

  Everyone knows that video games can do both good and harm to a child. And here much depends on parents who allow or forbid them to spend time in front of the screen, and control what their children do. Negative effects, the manifestation of physical and psychological problems is connected more not with the computer games themselves, but with how much time a child spends in front of such activity and how he or she treats the virtual world. Incomplexity, asociality of children, excessive enthusiasm and lack of control can lead to serious consequences. Useful tips for parents As long as the child is not able to control himself, the entire responsibility for physical, mental and psychological health falls on the parents. Knowing how video games affect kids and wanting to avoid any problems and troubles, heed a few helpful tips. Time limits . Set a time limit for games and other daily activities; Variety of leisure time . Video games should not be the only entertainment. So it will be co